Vol. 28 No. 4 (2023): 4-2023

					View Vol. 28 No. 4 (2023): 4-2023

The Editorial Team of the journal WISDOM is delighted to present to the scientific community the 28th - the last issue of the journal in 2023. The present issue comprises valuable scholarly insights within the domains of social philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophy of culture and language, and philosophy of law. Within the section PHILOSOPHY OF LAW, a new sub- section titled METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DIGITALIZATION OF LAW has been cre- ated based on the content orientation of the arti- cles received. The sub-section includes three articles.

The section BOOK REVIEW presents the monograph of the talented young scientist I. V. Kolosov “The History of Legal Consequentialism: The Effectiveness of Law” (author of the review of the monograph - PhD in Law, Associate Professor Igor MUKIENKO).

In addition to the main scientific articles, the issue contains a congratulatory article dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Editorial Board member, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Kadzhik M. Oganyan.

The geography of the authors is rather broad - Armenia, Belarus, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Russia.

Published: 2023-12-25

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Culture

Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of Law

Our Anniversaries