Pedagogical Potential of the Philosophy of Atheistic Existentialism and Humanistic Psychoanalysis


  • Natalia SHAFAZHINSKAYA K. G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (The First Cossack University), Moscow
  • Natalia BONDARENKO Pyatigorsk Institute (branch), North-Caucasian Federal University, Pyatigorsk
  • Irina POLOZHENTSEVA K. G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (The First Cossack University), Moscow
  • Irma MOLCHANOVA Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow
  • Vladimir KOZLOV Volgograd Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Volgograd
  • Alexey ALESHKOV Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law (KSUEL), Khabarovsk
  • Said-Umar VOZKAEV Chechen State University named after Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich Kadyrov, Grozny
  • Vladimir SEKERIN V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow



philosophy of pedagogy, atheistic existentialism, religious existentialism, existential (humanistic) psychoanalysis, postmodernism, post-postmodernism, atheism, romanticism


The study assesses the relevance of developing the worldview of modern pedagogy and presents the main criteria that can be followed when choosing philosophical concepts and pedagogical teachings. The authors conduct an academic analysis of the current state of philosophy associated with the postmodern approach to equalizing subjectively significant aspects. Based on the analysis of philosophical works of the 20th century, they substantiate the French atheistic existentialism and existential (humanistic) psychoanalysis as philosophical concepts that form a productive worldview of modern people. It is concluded that atheistic existentialism and humanistic psychoanalysis are among the most important trends in philosophy, especially in the 20th century. The above-mentioned philosophical concepts can influence education by promoting a more holistic approach to teaching and learning that considers the intellectual, emotional, and ethical aspects of human experience. These perspectives can help educators create a learning environment that promotes personal growth, self-awareness, and critical thinking, as well as foster the development of more empathetic, responsible, and engaged citizens.


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How to Cite

SHAFAZHINSKAYA, N., BONDARENKO, N., POLOZHENTSEVA, I., MOLCHANOVA, I., KOZLOV, V., ALESHKOV, A., VOZKAEV, S.-U., & SEKERIN, V. (2023). Pedagogical Potential of the Philosophy of Atheistic Existentialism and Humanistic Psychoanalysis. WISDOM, 26(2), 94–101.




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