Philosophical and Theoretical Aspects of Court-Notary Interaction: Current Relationships in the Provision of Evidence


  • Alexander BEGICHEV Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
  • Evgenia FROLOVA Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Far Eastern Federal University,



competence of the court, justice, notary, providing evidence, notarial procedure


The article examines the modern relationship between the interaction of the court and the notary when taking measures to ensure evidence. In particular, it is indicated that when providing evidence, these bodies are guided by the norms of civil procedural legislation and implement similar goals aimed at fixing factual circumstances of legal significance in a procedural form. It is emphasized that their competence touches, moreover, the notary, as it were, replaces the court in the implementation of interim measures. One of the tasks of the effective activity of the notary is to relieve the judicial system from the consideration of local and time-consuming issues, which are solved, as a rule, without the application of the principle of adversarial parties, including the provision of evidence on the Internet. Thus, the potential of unloading the court is excluded from its competence to solve problems that do not relate to the administration of justice.


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How to Cite

BEGICHEV, A., & FROLOVA, E. (2023). Philosophical and Theoretical Aspects of Court-Notary Interaction: Current Relationships in the Provision of Evidence. WISDOM, 28(4), 90–100.



Philosophy of Law