Floral Symbolism in Ukrainian Temple Art





plant symbolism, temple arts, Christian architecture, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, St. Cyril’s Church in Kyiv


The origins of the formation of plant symbolism in Christian temple art have been investigated, particularly on the example of the texts of the Holy Bible. The primary connotations of the garden’s symbolism in Christian sacral art are analyzed as an expression of the idea of a lost paradise, contemplation of the images of which is possible in the space of temples. Plant symbolism is revealed in the holistic art systems of the Sophia of Kyiv and St. Cyril’s Church in Kyiv.  The fundamental values of plant symbolism in St. Sophia’s Cathedral and St. Cyril’s Church are highlighted by the idea of the continuity of Christian semiotics with the Old Testament Judaism and the combination of local pre-Christian traditions.


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How to Cite

OSTASHCHUK, I., LIANG, K., KHRYPKO, S., CHEMBERZHI, D., LOBANCHUK, O., NYKYTCHENKO, O., SPUDKA, I., & CHOP, V. (2023). Floral Symbolism in Ukrainian Temple Art. WISDOM, 28(4), 70–78. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v28i4.1042



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