Retrospective Review of Higher Education Quality: Some Parallels Between Past and Present




quality, education, education system, education quality, pre-revolutionary years, factors affecting the education quality, current stage of education development


Studies of education quality are currently a matter of particular relevance and importance. It would seem that the quality of education should interest the scientific community in different periods (historical periods) of time, however, as practice shows, these studies have been carried out mainly in recent times. The article describes some arguments on the quality of education based on the available historical data on the development of education in Russia. Given that it is not possible to consider in detail all historical periods in different countries within the framework of one article, a summary of the key points influencing the development of education in Russia before the revolutionary events (during a certain period of the reign of the Imperial House of Romanov) was made in a small comparison with the modern perception of the quality of education. Some factors influencing the quality of education in the period from the late 19th to early 20th centuries have been identified. The conclusion is made on changing/unchanging factors affecting the quality of education in modern reality in comparison with past experience in the development of the education system.


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How to Cite

NADTOCHIY, Y. (2023). Retrospective Review of Higher Education Quality: Some Parallels Between Past and Present. WISDOM, 28(4), 60–68.



Philosophy of Education