A New Line of Research: Synergetic Philosophy and Sociology of Personality


  • Vladimir BRANSKIJ Saint-Petersburg State University
  • Kadzhik M. OGANYAN Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
  • Karina K. OGANYAN Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics




synergetic philosophy of history, meaning of life, ideal, value, fashion, personality, ideological society, consumer society, super attractor


The research of the synergetic philosophy of history leads to a fundamentally new approach to the study of personality and rational understanding of the meaning of life. The heuristic role in the history synergetic philosophy is argued in the structuring of a new human philosophy in the context of the self-organization of man and mankind. It is this aspect that is specific to the synergetic philosophy of man.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir BRANSKIJ, Saint-Petersburg State University

Vladimir Branskij † (Dr.) was Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Science, Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia). His areas of interest included synergetic philosophy of science, globalization and philosophy of the meaning of life. Branskij is the author of 10 monographs and more than 150 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Synergetic Philosophy of History”, “Globalization and Synergetic Historizm”, “Problems of the Meaning of Life: All-Philosophical and All-Science Meaning”.

Kadzhik M. OGANYAN, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics

Kadzhik M. Oganyan (Dr.) is Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia). His areas of interest include synergetic philosophy of science, methodology of scientific researches, personality’s philosophy. Oganyan K. M. is the author of 10 monographs and more than 200 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Synergetic Philosophy of History”, “Personality’s Philosophy”, “Social Innovation in Human Researches Management”, “Philosophy and Methodology of Social Science”.

Karina K. OGANYAN, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics

Karina K. Oganyan (PhD) is Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia). Her areas of interest include theory and methodology of personality’s sociology and psychology. Oganyan K. K. is the author of 8 monographs and more than 100 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Multidisciplinary Researches of Personality in Sociology”, “Social Technologies of Forming Leaders Characteristics of Future Leaders”, “History of Russian Sociology”.


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How to Cite

BRANSKIJ, V., OGANYAN, K. M., & OGANYAN, K. K. (2018). A New Line of Research: Synergetic Philosophy and Sociology of Personality. WISDOM, 10(1), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v10i1.203


