Features Of Fundamental Rights In The Context Of The Philosophy Of Law


  • Lilit KAZANCHIAN National Academy of Sciences RA




fundamental human rights and freedoms, the legal status of the individual, legitimate interests, globalization, duties, citizen, democratic state, government


The article explores the notion and peculiarities of fundamental rights of the individual in the modern, legal state. In the given research the author implements versatile, holistic, systematical (methodical) analysis of content and distinguishing features of the structural element of the concept “legal status of the individual”. Therefore, the theoretical and practical research of problems of development of fundamental human rights, gives an opportunity to find new solutions in protections of relations concerning the individual's legal status.

This study is also focusing on various approaches of well-known jurists on the essence, content and legislative consolidation of the fundamental rights of the individual.

Summering up the results of explored issues, we concluded, that in recent decades, the philosophy of law (with the theory of state and law) took under its active protection and guardianship man with his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, and which have ceased to be the subject of national legislation’s regulation, and moved to the international legal platform. Consequently, the government is obligated to guarantee the fundamental human rights and freedoms. Hence, theoretical, methodological and practical analyze of problems of the individual's legal status and elaboration of  suggestions concerning enhancement of national legislation, is one of the most actual problems of jurisprudence.


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Author Biography

Lilit KAZANCHIAN, National Academy of Sciences RA

Lilit KAZANCHIAN(PhD in Law) is the Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan, Armenia;  Lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence at the International Scientific Educational Center NAS RA. Her areas of interest include philosophy of law, theory of state and law, human rights, constitutional and international law. Kazanchian is the author of 4 monographs, 2 handbooks and 36 articles. Recent publications: “Features of the presumption of innocence in the context of rulings of the European court of human rights”, “Fundamentals of parliamentary law in the Republic of Armenia”, “Main issues of the history of Armenian law”, “Legal Features of the extremism”.


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How to Cite

KAZANCHIAN, L. (2020). Features Of Fundamental Rights In The Context Of The Philosophy Of Law. WISDOM, 14(1), 159–165. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v14i1.323


