Patience: an Introduction to the Concept


  • Iryna SVIDER Kamianets-Podilskiy Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
  • Natalia FRASYNIUK Kamianets-Podilskiy Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine



concept, meaning, notion, cognition, formation, patience, virtue, mentality


The paper considers the definition and characteristics of concept within the main aspects of its study, in particular, epistemological, philosophical, linguocultural, cognitive and psycholinguistic. The experience of working out the various approaches to the interpretation and formation of the concept is reflected. Patience is one of the key concepts on which the society relies, using it as a key to maintain human rights and freedoms. The genesis of patience in philosophy is related to the person's representation of the world, the formation of abstract norms of behavior and the embodiment of this behavior in a particular situation.

In modern cognitive linguistics studying of the concept is rather actual and controversial nowadays, as it is functionally significant for the corresponding culture. Any concept is realized in language units. We’ve made the semantic-etymological analysis of the word patience and come to the conclusion that semantic structure of the concept “patience” in English consists of the different meanings, forming the conceptual layer of the investigated concept.


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Author Biographies

Iryna SVIDER, Kamianets-Podilskiy Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine

(PhD in Philology) is Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology, Kamianets-Podilskiy Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. The areas of interest include linguistic and cultural studies, cognitive linguistics, intercultural communication, translation studies. Iryna Svider is the author of 1 monograph and 30 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Emotional Concepts in the Text of English Folk Tale”, “To the Problem of Studying Object Image at the Early Stage of Literature”, “Verse Translation: Pragmatic Aspect”, “The Concept of Equivalence in Translating Verse”.

Natalia FRASYNIUK, Kamianets-Podilskiy Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine

(PhD in Philology) is Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology, Kamianets-Podilskiy Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. The areas of interest include linguistic and cultural studies, cognitive linguistics, intercultural communication, the methodology of teaching English. Natalia Frasynuik is the author of 34 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Gender Peculiarities of the Communicative Behavior of the Political Discourse Participants”, “Linguistic and Conceptual World-Image in the Modern Linguistic Investigations”, “The Concept FAMILY LIFE in the English Fiction Discourse”, “The Project Method as a Way to Motivate Students in English Learning”.


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How to Cite

SVIDER, I., & FRASYNIUK, N. (2020). Patience: an Introduction to the Concept. WISDOM, 15(2), 6–20.




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