Demonolexis In Mykola Gogol’s Works: Philosophical and Linguocultural Perspectives


  • Svetlana FORMANOVA Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University
  • Olena MATUZKOVA Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine
  • Tetiana YABLONSKA South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky
  • Volodymyr OLEKSENKO Kherson State University
  • Evelina BOIEVA South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine
  • Serhi DMYTRIEV Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine



demonological lexis, demon name, anthroponym, onym, philosophical aspect, linguoculturological aspect, paganism, mythological system, personification, Christianity


The peculiarities of functioning of demonological lexis in the works of Mykola Gogol in the phi­lo­sophical and linguocultural perspectives are considered in the article. Demonological lexis is determined to be one of the essential segments of ethnocultural representation. It is projected on linguistic culture and creates a peculiar semiotic culture of a particular ethnic group. Ukrainians’ belief in non-Christian culture various mystical forces along with sincere faith in one God, promotes active development of their spiritual culture and philosophical worldview. It is reflected in the artistic heritage.

The purpose of the article is the analysis of Ukrainian demonology in Mykola Gogol’s works.

The subject of the research is demonological lexis in Mykola Gogol’s works.

The methods such as analysis and synthesis, descriptive, observation, contextual-interpretive, lin­guis­tic-stylistic were used for achieving the goal.

Ukrainian demonology is proved to be a part of Slavic mythology identity and its attributive element. The philosophical aspect of the article is realized in demonological magic, the connection of the corporeal, spiritual, soul with the body, psychophysiological phenomena, altered states of reality etc. The authors analyzed the existing classifications of demonological lexis and defined that the Ukrainian demonological lexis forms structural, impaired, open microsystem in its constant development.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana FORMANOVA, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University

(Dr. of Science in Linguistics) is Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine. The spectrum of her scholarly interests covers linguistic pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoconflictology, suggestive linguistics, profiling. S. Formanova is the author of 1 monograph, 8 co-authored monographs, 20 teaching aids, and 150 scholarly articles. The recent publications are Commentary in “Social Networks as a Speech Act”, “Invective Semantics of Verbs in Ukrainian”, “A Sociolinguistic Experiment in De­fi­ning the Forms of Impoliteness”, “The Role of Ideographic Dictionaries in Evolution of the Term “World’s Image”.

Olena MATUZKOVA, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine

(Dr. of Science in Linguistics) is Full Professor, Professor of the Translation Department, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine. The area of her scholarly interests includes lin­guoculturology, cognitive discourse analysis, identity linguistic studies, linguistics of translation. O. Matuzkova is the author of 1 monograph, 4 collective monographs, 17 teaching aids and nearly 130 scholarly articles. Recent publications: “English Identity as Linguocultural Phenomenon: Cognitive-Discursive Aspect”, “On Content and Correlation of Concepts “English Identity” and “British Identity”, “Rendering of Odesa Realia in English Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts”; “Culinary Linguocultural Code in English, Ukrainian and Greek Phraseologies”, “Linguoculture as Synergy of Language, Culture and Mind”.

Tetiana YABLONSKA, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky

(Dr. of Science in Pedagogics) is Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Western and Oriental Languages and Their Teaching Methods, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine. The area of her scholarly interests includes interpre­ta­tion of foreign literary texts, lexicology, scientific communication, practical course. T. Yablonska is the author of 1 monograph, 9 teaching aids and 127 scholarly articles. Recent publications: The variability of reproduction: emotive units in a literary text (on the material of Ukrainian, Russian and Chinese); The role of set phrases in the process of master’s degree (philology) students foreign texts comprehension (English and Chinese).

Volodymyr OLEKSENKO, Kherson State University

(Dr of Science in Linguistics) is Acting Head of the Department of Uk­ra­i­nian Philology and Journalism, Professor, Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Jour­nalism Kherson State University, Ukraine. His scientific interests include current problems of grammar, questions of categorical word-forming of the modern Ukrainian language. Volodymyr Oleksenko is the author of 2 monographs, 5 textbooks, more than 160 scientific articles. Recent publications: Word-for­ming potential of English word media in the Ukrainian language; Innovations of modern Ukrainian lan­gu­age with prepositional elements of Greek and Latin origin; Synonymy of bound root components of inter­na­tional character in modern Ukrainian language.

Evelina BOIEVA, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine

(PhD in Linguistics) is Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Literature South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine. The area of her scholarly interests includes literary onomastics, communicative linguistics, cog­nitive linguistics, Linguostylistics. E. Boieva is the author of 5 teaching aids, 150 scholarly articles. Recent publications: “Ukrainian Onomasic Realities in the Poetic Discourse of Mykola Zerov”, “Functional Epis­teme of the Title Complexes in the Artistic Speech of Olga Kobylyanska”, “Peculiarities of Using Com­puter Technologies in Modern Distance Learning”.

Serhi DMYTRIEV, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine

(PhD in Linguistics) is Associate Professor of the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics Odesa I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine. The area of his scholarly interests includes cog­ni­tive linguistics, sociolinguistics, Linguostylistics, the Ukrainian Language Teaching Methods. S. Dmytriev is the author of 1 book, 1 teaching aid, 28 scholarly articles. Recent publications: “The Position of Slang in the Lexical and Semantic Paradigm of the Ukrainian Linguistic Consciousness”, “The Latest Approaches in Teaching Speech Development in the Ukrainian Language Lessons”.


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How to Cite

FORMANOVA, S., MATUZKOVA, O., YABLONSKA, T., OLEKSENKO, V., BOIEVA, E., & DMYTRIEV, S. (2020). Demonolexis In Mykola Gogol’s Works: Philosophical and Linguocultural Perspectives. WISDOM, 16(3), 172–187.




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