Reconstruction of the Religious Paradigm in the Modern Globalized World




religion, paradigm, worldview, society, globalization, secularization, orthodoxy


The article analyzes the process of rethinking the inherited content of human experience, established views on philosophy and religion as ideological phenomena, which are inherent in the creation and transmission of the integrity of the picture of the world. Such integrity is accomplished under the conditions of preservation of each work and the pursuit of philosophical thought. It is established that the secularization and eclecticism of religious consciousness against the background of globalization processes determine the transformation of the modern religious paradigm. This is expressed, on the one hand, in the need for religion to acquire adaptability to crisis phenomena and in the need for special flexibility in conditions of instability and adequate perception of external variability of socio-cultural, natural and technical systems. On the other hand, in its renewed religion seeks to appeal to stable guidelines, ideals and the strengthening of the influence of fundamentalism as a result of the belief in the need for certain traditional religious and cultural foundations. These efforts are aimed not only at preserving cultural and religious identity, but also at facilitating survival in a world that is not structured by a single expediency, ambiguous, spiritually and socially nonlinear.


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Author Biographies

Oleh SOKOLOVSKYI, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is a Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine; Editor of scientific journals UKRAINIAN POLONISTICS and ZHYTOMYR IVAN FRANKO STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL: Philosophical Sciences. His areas of interest include disciplinary religious studies (sociology of religion, philosophy of religion, psychology of religion), history of religions, antitrinitarianism, the phenomenology of religion, theology, triadology, Christology, soteriology. Sokolovskyi is the author of a monograph and 56 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Christology: The Evolution of Doctrine”, “Christological Discourse in the Modern Theology of Catholicism”.

Andrii KOBETIAK , Zhytomіr Polytechnic State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is an Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Security, Public Administration and Administration, Zhytomіr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine. His areas of interest include logic, tolerance problems; issues of state-church and interfaith relations; religious statistics of Ukraine. Kobetiak is the author of 28 scientific articles and a participant in dozens of scientific conferences. Recent publications: “Сanonic Uncertainty of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the First Third of the XX Century”, “Church Boundaries and Canonical Territory in the Context of the Autocephalic System of Universal Orthodoxy”, “Ecclesiological Conditionality of the Autocephalous System of the Universal Orthodoxy”.

Maksym MELNYCHUK, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Ukraine, Rivne). His research interests are reflected in the following issues: sacred art, sacralization and desacralization, cyber religion, spiritual values, the symbolism of the sacred, the symbolism of postmodernism. He is the author of more than 50 scientific works. Among the latter it is worth noting: “Współczesny religijno-mysteryjny diskurs sakralny v konteksti chrześcińskiej przestrzeni symbolicznej katolicyzmu”; “Cyberreligion in the View of Postmodern Trends: Religious-Cultural View”; “Leveling of Traditional Christian Values and Trends of Decacralization of the Spiritual in Consideration of the Symbolism of Postmodern Modernity”.

Oksana CHAPLINSKA, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is the head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include religion, social philosophy, philosophy of postmodernism, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of corporeality, animal philosophy. Chaplinska is the author of 50 scientific publications published in domestic and foreign scientific journals, as well as collections of conference proceedings. Recent publications: “A Christological Discourse in the Modern Catholicism Theology”, “Canonical Principles of the Autocephalous System of the Ecumenical Church in the Administrative Structure of the Byzantine Empire”, “Philosophical Discourse of M. Heidegger’s Animal World”.


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How to Cite

SOKOLOVSKYI, O., KOBETIAK , A., MELNYCHUK, M., & CHAPLINSKA, O. (2021). Reconstruction of the Religious Paradigm in the Modern Globalized World. WISDOM, 18(2), 153–160.


