Complicity and the Doctrine of “Command Liability” for Committing War Crimes


  • Hayk GRIGORYAN Investigative Committee of the RA



International crimes, International criminal law, International Criminal Court, qualification of war crimes


The article analyzes the mechanisms of bringing the servicemen of the opposing party of the armed conflict to criminal responsibility through the doctrines of “joint criminal enterprise” and “command responsibility”, which are dealt with International criminal law considering that the acts committed by this category of persons are usually subject to investigation by international bodies of criminal justice on the basis of definitions developed by international practice. The analysis carried out by the author enables to propose scientifically substantiated recommendations on the qualifications of acts committed by servicemen of the opposing party of the armed conflict that constitutes corpus delicti of various war and international crimes.


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Author Biography

Hayk GRIGORYAN, Investigative Committee of the RA

(PhD in Law) is the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Third Class State Adviser of Justice. His areas of interest include criminal law, international criminal law, international public law, criminalistics, criminology. He is an author of 45 scientific articles and works.


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How to Cite

GRIGORYAN, H. (2021). Complicity and the Doctrine of “Command Liability” for Committing War Crimes. WISDOM, 17(1), 170–182.


