The Isolationist Pathology of Sovereignism (Three Historical Cases for Analysis)




sovereignism, sovereignty, pathology of sovereignism, isolationism, self-isolation, isolationist policy


The article examines the isolationist pathology of sovereignism in the loss of subjective capacity in the changing political reality. The article aims to study the isolationist policy of sovereignism, the consequences of which are considered a pathology of the countries’ social organism. The study was carried out in the analytical strategy of searching for the measure of sovereignism and its pathology, in the search for the general, special and singular in specific historical cases of isolationism of states.

The authors found out that sovereignism differs in quality, the degree of implementation in achieving the integrity of society and government, solving the problem of superiority, equality and inequality of states, their influence and efficiency. States, depending on the degree of sovereignism, are classified into 1) rogue countries, 2) colonial countries, 3) countries under external control, 4) regional leaders and 5) su­perpowers. States differ according to the measure of sovereignism: 1) with developed sovereignism, 2) de­veloping sovereignism, 3) with destroyed sovereignism and statehood; 4) with undeveloped sovereignism and statehood; 5) with chaotic sovereignism. Scientific intelligence has made it possible to actualize the issue of the predictive study of the isolationist policy consequences at all levels of political reality in order to make appropriate strategic decisions.


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Author Biographies

Natalia LEPSKA , Zaporizhzhia National University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Political Science) is Associate Professor of Political Science department at Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Her areas of interest are geopolitics, political and geopolitical forecasting, public administration, state branding, theory and practice of advertising, political communications, methodology of political research. Dr Lepska has authored over 60 publications on political science, political theory, geopolitics, political forecasting, political modernization, local self-government issues and geopolitical studies. Recent publications: “The Problem of the State’s Geopolitical Status Categorization in Modern Geopolitics”, “Geopolitical Marginalization of the State During the World System Transformation”.

Maksym LEPSKYI, Zaporizhzhia National University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is Professor of Sociology Department at Zaporizhzhia National University, the head of the research committee “Social Forecasting” of the Sociological Association of Ukraine (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Lepskyi is the author of more than 200 publications, including 14 monographs, 10 manuals and 2 textbooks on social and political forecasting, modelling and scenarios for conflict resolution, peacemaking and human development, public/local administration, and media. Recent publications: “Sociological Observation of Pandemic: Connectedness, Panic, Crisis Waves”, “Methodological Twists of Social Forecasting and Future Research”.

Yuliia YATSYNA, Zaporizhzhia National University

PhD student of Political Science Department at Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Her areas of interest are political corruption, governance and corporate fraud. Yatsyna is the author of more than 10 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Actors of Political Life in Ukraine: Social Portrait of Contemporary Power Elite”, “Corruption in the Higher Educational System of Ukraine”.

Igor KUDINOV, Zaporizhzhia National University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Social Philosophy) is Associate Professor of Sociology Department at Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). His areas of interest are life actor phenomenon, business intelligence, statistical data analysis, social audit and expertise. Kudinov is the author of more than 50 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Carrier Paths and Recruitment Channels of Political Elite in Ukraine”, “Transformation of the Social Management Model in Post-Soviet Ukraine”.


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How to Cite

LEPSKA , N. ., LEPSKYI, M., YATSYNA, Y., & KUDINOV, I. (2021). The Isolationist Pathology of Sovereignism (Three Historical Cases for Analysis). WISDOM, 19(3), 151–162.


