Development of Personal Identity Among Sami Adolescents Living in the Arctic Territories of Russia




personal identity, adolescents, indigenous people, Sami


The article is devoted to the problem of studying the personal identity of Sami adolescents living in the Arctic territories of Russia. The study aims to study the characteristics of the personal identity of Sami boys and Sami girls in adolescence.

The article presents the results of an empirical study carried out according to the methodology developed based on the test “Who am I?” developed by Kuhn and McPartland. The respondents were 39 Sami adolescents aged 12-13 years and 40 Sami adolescents aged 14-15 years. All respondents were from the indigenous Sami people.

When studying personal identity, we analyzed the characteristics corresponding to each identity component: gender, social, ethnic, family, professional, individual, physical, active and undifferentiated. The study results made it possible to reveal the characteristics of the personal identity of Sami adolescents compared to the personal identity of their Russian peers.

The data obtained expand modern psychological ideas about the patterns of personality development in adolescence, how the human psyche functions in a changing world, and clarify the meaningful characteristics of the psychological portrait of a modern adolescent.


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Author Biographies

Natalia FLOTSKAYA, M. V. Lomonosov Northern Arctic Federal University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Psychology) is Director of Higher School of Psychology, Pedagogy and Physical Education, M. V. Lomonosov Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. Flotskaya is the author of 69 scientific publications.

Irina ARYABKINA, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogy) is Professor of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University and Ulyanovsk State University, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Aryabkina is the author of 112 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Svetlana BULANOVA, Northern Arctic Federal University

(PhD in Pedagogy) is Vice Director of Higher School of Psychology, Pedagogy and Physical Education, Northern Arctic Federal University, named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhan­gelsk, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology. Bulanova is the author of 36 scientific and pedagogical publications.

Maria PONOMAREVA, Northern Arctic Federal University

(PhD of Pedagogy) is Vice Director of Higher School of Psychology, Pedagogy and Physical Education, Northern Arctic Federal University, named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. Ponomareva is the author of 25 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Nikolay FLOTSKIY, Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk

Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Russian as a Foreign Language at the Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk, Russia. His areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. Flotskiy is the author of 8 scientific, pedagogical publications.


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How to Cite

FLOTSKAYA, N., ARYABKINA, I., BULANOVA, S., PONOMAREVA, M. ., & FLOTSKIY, N. . (2021). Development of Personal Identity Among Sami Adolescents Living in the Arctic Territories of Russia. WISDOM, 19(3), 84–99.


