Modern Trends and Specifics of Additional Professional Education of University Teachers




additional professional education, university teachers


The subject of consideration in this article is additional professional education as a pedagogical system, an integrated set of methods, for,ms and means of obtaining, expandi,ng and deepening the competencies, which have already been formed earli andas acquiring new ones. Nowadays, the development and further improvement of additional professional education have become actual in recent decades. In Russia, this is carried out in the context of a profound restructuring of society. Therefore it has its own characteristic features due to socio-economic transformations and corresponding changes in the labour market. It is stated that additional professional education of teachers acquires a special social status and is distinguished by its motives and values, goals and objectives, forms of organization and content, teaching technologies and methods of control and assessment.

The goals and objectives of additional professional education of teachers have been represented, including the formation of their motivation for professional growth, advanced training, professional retraining, as well as the prevention of professional and the strain of personality, overcoming professional and personal crises. The result of studying this issue was the identification of modern trends and directions for the further development of the system of additional professional education for teachers.


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Author Biographies

Irina ARYABKINA, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogy) is Professor of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University and Ulyanovsk State University, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Aryabkina is the author of 112 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Olga DONINA, Ulyanovsk State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogics) is Professor of Ulyanovsk State University, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Dr Donina is the author of 123 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Natalya IVANUSHKINA, Samara National Research University

(PhD in Pedagogics) is Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Samara National Research University. Her areas of interest include creating an information environment in educational organizations. Ivanushkina is the author of 34 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Anatoliy CHERNYKH, Kuban State Technological University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogics) is Professor of Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia. His areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Chernykh is the author of 85 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Nadezhda GAJBUROVA, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts

 Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, Art History, Music Education and Performance of Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts Ministry of Culture, National and Archival Matters of Chuvash Republic, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of the pedagogy of art. Gajburova is the author of 10 scientific publications.

Julia CHERNOVA, Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

(PhD in Pedagogics) is Associate Professor of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin”. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Chernova is the author of 40 scientific and pedagogical publications.


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How to Cite

ARYABKINA, I. ., DONINA, O. ., IVANUSHKINA, N. ., CHERNYKH, A., GAJBUROVA, N., & CHERNOVA, J. . (2021). Modern Trends and Specifics of Additional Professional Education of University Teachers. WISDOM, 19(3), 55–67.




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