Hospitality as Care for the Other




hospitality, Оther, alien, host, intercultural strategy


The article aims to study the phenomenon and theoretical concept of hospitality in historical, cultural and socio-philosophical contexts. It has been proved that hospitality is an actual strategy of attitude to the Other. Hospitality has been defined as an interaction with the Other, attitude to the Other as a guest. The essential features of hospitality, its transformation from traditional forms to modern dimensions, mechanisms of implementation of the abstract law of hospitality in contemporary social practices have been analyzed. It is emphasized that hospitality acts as a universal norm and form of coexistence of people, interaction of different cultures, nations, ethnic groups. The potential of dialogicity and tolerance inherent in hospitality, which is interpreted as protection and assistance to humans in a changing global world, the foundation of understanding the Other have been revealed. Hospitable interaction is not limited to the socio-cultural experience of interpersonal relations but is shown as an acceptable model that introduces the principle of consent in intercultural relations in the field of migration, tourist exchanges and other social processes.


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Author Biographies

Marina KOLINKO, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is Professor of Philosophy of the Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include social philosophy, philosophy of culture, the problems of intercultural communication. Author of more than 90 scientific works, including monographs: “Intercultural Communication: A Topological Dimension”, “Hybrid War: in Verbo et in Praxis” and articles: “Еxploration of the Cultural Borderland: Border, Boundary, Frontier Studies”, “Polemological Paradigm of Hybrid War Research”, “Intercultural communication: from distinction to inclusion”, “Topology of the Other: Boundaries as a Means of Space Cosmisation”.

Roman DODONOV, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is Professor, Head of Philosophy Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine; Chairman of Editorial Board of Philosophy of SKHID journal. The scope of his interests covers social philosophy, the theory of mentality, historical memory. Author of more than 300 scientific works, including monographs “Ethnic Mentality: The Experience of Socio-Philosophical Research”, “Theory of Mentality: The Doctrine of the Determination of Mental Automatisms”, “Conflict in Eastern Ukraine in the Mirror Socio-Philosophical Reflection”, “Phenomenon of the Nation”, “Civilization: from Local to Global City”, “Education as a Planetary Phenomenon”, “Hybrid War: in verbo et in praxi”.

Vira DODONOVA, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is Professor of Philosophy Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include social philosophy, political philosophy, social rationality, value orientations of the individual, the problem of human solidarity. Author of more than 100 scientific works, including monographs “Postclassical Discourse of Social Rationality”, “Philosophical Aspects of Social Reality”, “Hybrid War: in verbo et in praxis”, “Philosophers of Donbass”, articles in professional publications.


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How to Cite

KOLINKO, M., DODONOV, R., & DODONOVA, V. (2021). Hospitality as Care for the Other. WISDOM, 19(3), 218–227.




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