Self-Actualization and Stress Resistance: Methodological and Practical Aspects of Studying the Personality of Students in the Process of Distance Learning




self-actualization, methodological aspects, distance learning, student’s personality, assessment of one's own effectiveness, stress resistance level


The article considers the issues of studying the self-actualization of the personality by the representatives of various conceptual schools. We consider distance learning in the higher education system as a capacity for opportunities, as the implementation of an individual approach in learning, motivating the student to self-learn, freedom from rigid binding to the territory and a certain period of time, objective assessment of learning results. The study's goal is to investigate the connection between the self-actualization of the personality and the level of students' stress resistance in the process of distance learning.

Research methods: questionnaires and testing. Based on theoretical analysis, the methodological basis of the study was determined in relation to the self-actualization of the personality as the highest level of its development in the context of humanistic psychology, distance learning. As a result of an empirical study, the authors of the article revealed the correlation between the ambition for self-actualization and the level of stress resistance. The ambition for self-actualization correlates with the level of assessment of one’s effectiveness in distance learning, and there are sex differences according to the criteria of the ambition for self-actualization and the level of stress resistance.


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Author Biographies

Srbuhi GEVORGYAN, Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University

PhD, Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Rector of Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University. She is also the chairman of the council of Psychology “064” and the Chief Editor of the journal of Main Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology. S. Gevorgyan is the author of 109 scientific publications and proceedings of the international conferences. Her research interests include social psychology, communication psychology, age and pedagogical psychology.

Asya BERBERYAN, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

PhD, Dr. of Science in Psychology, the Head of the Psychology Department at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Head of Psychology direction of the Institute for Humanities (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia). She is also the Head of the Armenian Regional Department of All-professional psychotherapeutic league and the Armenian branch of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, a member of the International Council of Professional Therapists. Berberyan is the author of 250 scientific publications and proceedings of the international conferences has certificates of practically orientated courses. Her research interests include psychology of higher education, studies of ethnic identity and virtual reality investigation.

Hermine BERBERYAN, University of Groningen

PhD Student in the Cognitive Modelling group at Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. She has a bachelor’s and master’s degrees (both Cum laude) in Psychology from Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan, Armenia). Previously she was a scholar of Erasmus +. Her research interests lie in the fields of computational neuroscience and psychology, where she is applying machine learning algorithms (hidden semi-Markov model multivariate pattern analysis, HsMM-MVPA) and advanced statistical analysis to behavioural and neuroimaging data (EEG, MEG). Additionally, her research interests include ethnic studies and virtual/augmented reality.


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How to Cite

GEVORGYAN, S., BERBERYAN, A., & BERBERYAN, H. (2022). Self-Actualization and Stress Resistance: Methodological and Practical Aspects of Studying the Personality of Students in the Process of Distance Learning. WISDOM, 21(1), 44–59.




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