The Problem of Personal Development in the Context of Social Anomie


  • Naira HAKOBYAN International Scientific Educational Centre of National Academy of Sciences
  • Srbuhi GEVORGYAN Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
  • Laura PETROSYAN Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia
  • Anna KHACHATRYAN International Scientific Educational Centre of National Academy of Sciences



social anomie, personal development, social norm, integration, environment, adaptation, professional activity


The article is devoted to some prospects for personal development. In contemporary societies, personal development often occurs in parallel with significant larger-scale changes of a social, socio-psychological and cultural nature. These include wars, socio-economic crises or unfavourable changes in epidemiological situations that lead to the distortion and modification of social norms and values. In such conditions, a person succumbs to uncertainty and is alienated from their environment. These phenomena are characterized by the term “social anomie”. Hence, out of all the factors contributing to personal development, professional activity significantly contributes to a person’s ability to overcome anomie and reintegrate into society.


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Author Biographies

Naira HAKOBYAN, International Scientific Educational Centre of National Academy of Sciences

PhD, Dr. of Science in Psychology, Professor, Deputy Director on Research Affairs at the International Scientific Educational Centre of National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia.

Srbuhi GEVORGYAN, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan

PhD, Dr. of Science in Psychology, Professor, Rector of Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia.

Laura PETROSYAN, Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, head of the Chair of Psychology of Management, Languages and Information Technology at Public Administration Academy, Yerevan, Armenia.

Anna KHACHATRYAN, International Scientific Educational Centre of National Academy of Sciences

PhD in Psychology, Docent, lecturer at the International Scientific Educational Centre of National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia. 


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How to Cite

HAKOBYAN, N., GEVORGYAN, S., PETROSYAN, L., & KHACHATRYAN, A. (2022). The Problem of Personal Development in the Context of Social Anomie. WISDOM, 22(2), 7–14.




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