Philosophical Aspect of Forming the Foundations of New Quality of Education by Transforming the Institutional Environment


  • Sergey SEDOV Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University
  • Vladimir VASILEV Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University
  • Tatyana BOCHKAREVA Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University



philosophical aspect, quality of education, foundations of new quality of education, new quality of education stakeholders, transforming the institutional environment, informatization of society, integration of society, quality assurance, quality culture in education


The research highlights the foundations of a new quality of education formed by transforming the institutional environment. The study's methodology is a complex of approaches, revealing in interrelation the philosophical aspect of the formation of the foundations of the new quality of education - including systemic and personal-activity approaches; logical and historical approaches; qualitative and quantitative approaches; phenomenological and ontological approaches. The foundations of a new quality of education formed by transforming the institutional environment based on the philosophical aspect are proposed to be divided into two groups: objective and subjective foundations. Objective foundations have an impact on the education quality while not being conditioned by the institutional environment. Subjective foundations, on the contrary, are in a direct causal relationship with it. We consider it necessary to single out Informatization and Integration of Society among objective foundations. As subjective foundations, we single out Quality Assurance and the Dynamics of Interests of all participants in the educational, research, entrepreneurial and innovative processes. Subjective foundations are proposed to be considered in the European term Quality Culture structure.


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Author Biographies

Sergey SEDOV, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the General Engineering Training Department of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

Vladimir VASILEV, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Economics and Management Department of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

Tatyana BOCHKAREVA, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Pedagogy Department of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

SEDOV, S., VASILEV, V., & BOCHKAREVA, T. (2022). Philosophical Aspect of Forming the Foundations of New Quality of Education by Transforming the Institutional Environment. WISDOM, 2(1), 128–139.