Wisdom and Harmony


  • Vandam F
  • L Wang
  • D Albiñana
  • A Debrauwer
  • P Kaczmarski




wisdom, education, dynamic harmony, theory, practice, input, output, tools, life cycle, language, communication, individual, group, cooperative, protective, dyssocials, types of intelligences, roles, social interactions, digital platforms, social media, hypocrite, nesters


Wisdom and harmony must be approached as multi-layered, dynamic processes. The learning action team focuses on supporting especially young people and elderly people in their challen­ges of integration and development. These differ­rent layers of wisdom and harmony are crucial motors for innovation and strengthening progress as well for practice, therapy and theory…


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How to Cite

F, V., Wang, L., Albiñana, D., Debrauwer, A., & Kaczmarski, P. (2014). Wisdom and Harmony. WISDOM, 3(2), 82–92. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v3i2.99


