Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue: Philosophy of Law

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue: Philosophy of Law

Legal issues invariably concern legal scholars and representatives of the scientific community in various fields of knowledge. There is no doubt that law is the most important means of arranging social life, developing communication links between people, improving social interactions. It occupies a central place in our political, economic and moral life. At the same time, the problem of the essence of the law becomes the subject of theoretical analysis from different, sometimes polar positions. Law is a complexly organized object that requires interdisciplinary discourse to reveal this essence, and in which the philosophical understanding of the law is definitely a centrepiece since only the philosophy of law has the arsenal of theoretical and methodological possibilities that allows one to gain an understanding of law in its integrity and being. The proposed issue of the philosophical journal WISDOM presents the original author’s concepts of leading scientists of various philosophical and legal schools of Russia, Armenia, and Ukraine, which will help comprehend the fundamental problems of comprehending nature and meaning of the law. 

The Armenian State Pedagogical University and the WISDOM Editorial Board are pleased to present the first special issue of the journal on “Philosophy of Law”. The articles presented in the issue reflect the current issues in the field in question.  

The guest editor of the issue is Konstantin SIGALOV, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, PhD of Philosophy Science, professor at the Chair of Theory of Law and State of the V. Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow.  

The issue includes 22 articles, the authors of which represent Russia, Armenia and Ukraine. 

Published: 2021-12-15

Philosophy of Law