Fractal-Synergetic Approach to the Research of Entrepreneurship in the Non-Profit Organizations


  • Liudmila Alexandrovna Vasilenko The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)



social innovation, synergy, complexity, natural ordering, cross-disciplinary synthesis, fractal, values, openness, evolution, the models of entrepreneurship


We have applied the term “entrepreneurship” to the development of non-profit organizations working in the field of social and innovation activity. We consider entrepreneurship as a process of personal, self-organizing or systemic renewal and self-organization, as a movement through the development of ideas towards creating new and existing enterprises. We reviewed the promotion of social innovations on a methodological basis of sociosynergetics using cross-disciplinary and fractal-evolutionary approaches. The introduction of innovations is accompanied by the irreversibility expressed by the violation of symmetry between the past and the future (according to I. Prigogine), and the research of innovations requires the introduction of the concept of an “event”. Some events should have the ability to change the course of evolution. The criterion for evaluating the advancement of social innovation is the degree of its influence on the social system: the local nature of the impact (change in one or several order parameters) – Auto-Poesies models; the emergence of a new parameter of order in connection with the acquisition of a new quality of the social system – Synergy-integrating models; the allocation of a new sub-system in the framework of the modernized old social system – Openness entrepreneurship models; the birth of a fundamentally new social system, accompanied by the destruction of the old order parameters. In managing innovation processes, it is important to choose such innovations that are in line with the trends in the development of the social system, given the scale of social consequences.


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Author Biography

Liudmila Alexandrovna Vasilenko, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Professor of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Honorary academic figure of the Russian higher education (Moscow). Her areas of interest include sociology of an information society; fractal approach to the formation of the methodology of cross-disciplinary synthesis of knowledge; theoretical and methodological problems of social self-organization; synergetics; theory of complexity; human rights; gender, institutes of civil society; the openness of State Governance, transparency. Vasilenko is the author of 24 monographs and more than 100 articles.


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How to Cite

Vasilenko, L. A. (2019). Fractal-Synergetic Approach to the Research of Entrepreneurship in the Non-Profit Organizations. WISDOM, 12(1), 62–72.


