Human Development Management as the Basis for the Pre-Adaptation of Complex Systems in Conditions of Uncertainty and Unpredictability




actual human paradigm, new industrial society (NIS.2), pre-adaptation, human potential, balanced development, meta-values, creative realization, noo-management, creativity, self-knowledge


The article is devoted to the issue of managing the balanced development of human potential in a new socio-economic reality, which is characterized by a high degree of unpredictability, interconnectedness and interdependence, globalization and informatization of the environment and introduction of digital, cognitive and hybrid technologies. There is a need to recognize the dominant role of scientific knowledge and creative implementation, wise management and consumption. For the first time, the term “noo- management” was introduced: it is a method of intelligent management of the fundamental processes of personality development focused on higher-order values and creative implementation.


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Author Biography

Svetlana GUBANOVA, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department “Management and Marketing of High-Tech Industries”, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia. Her areas of interest include human resource management, management theory, organizational behaviour, modern management science issues, change management, human capital management. Gubanova is the author of 49 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Conceptual Features of the Balanced Development of Human Potential in the Emerging Socio-Economic Conditions”, “Development of Human Resources for an Industrial Enterprise”, “Digital Economy Program as an Example of a Systematic Approach to the Development and Harmonization of a Modern Enterprise”.


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How to Cite

GUBANOVA, S. (2021). Human Development Management as the Basis for the Pre-Adaptation of Complex Systems in Conditions of Uncertainty and Unpredictability. WISDOM, 20(4), 51–64.


