Language Means of Revealing Postmodern Ludic Absurd in English Literary Text




ludic absurd, language means, linguo-philosophical, cognitive, poetic aspects, language levels


The fiction politics of contemporaneity reflects diversified patterns of language forms and their func- tions. This has brought to life experimental (postmodernist) writing the key principles of intertextuality, fragmentation, destruction, play. Postmodernist aesthetics caused a blurring of traditional genre canons that led to contamination of syncretic genre compounds through a grotesque transformation of traditional genre models and created an „estrangement? effect. The phenomenon of ludic absurd is viewed in three as- pects: 1) linguo-philosophical; 2) cognitive; 3) poetic. The present study focuses on the analysis of ludic absurd; the role of graphic, phonetic, morphemic, word-forming, syntactical, semantic mechanisms, based on the intentional deviation of language norm, play on words; cognitive mechanisms, generated by ad-hoc way of thinking. The conducted linguopoetic analysis of American postmodern short stories suggests that ludic absurd as a stylistic device of postmodern poetics manifests itself at all language levels (lexical, syn- tactic, semasiological, and textual) and is realized via the semantic asymmetry of lexical units, using illog- ical, but grammatically correct syntactic constructions, syntactic mismatch of sentences and whole text fragments.

Prospects for further studies consist in clarifying the pragmatic role of ludic absurd in the postmodern literary text; expanding the taxonomy of lexico-semantic, stylistic, and syntactic and paragraphemic means of ludic absurd.


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Author Biographies

Oksana BABELYUK, Lviv State University of Life Safety

PhD, Doctor of Science in Philology, Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies of the Institute of Psychology and Social Protection, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine. The Chief Editor of the scientific journal “Lviv Philology Journal” in Lviv State University of Life Safety. A member of editorial boards of different scientific journals in philology: “Odesa Linguistic Journal”, “Notes on Roman and German Philology”, “Scientific Journal of Chernivtsi University”.

Olena KOLIASA, Drohobych State Pedagogical University

PhD in English Philology, Assistant Professor at the Department of Germanic Languages and Translation Studies, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine. Her scientific interests include the problems of cognitive studies in linguistics and postmodern poetics. Recent publications: “Using Distance EdTech for Remote Foreign Language Teaching During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Ukraine”, “Psychological Difficulties during the Covid Lockdown: Video in Blended Digital Teaching Language, Literature, and Culture”, “The Use of Hypermedia Technologies in Higher Education Institutions during Covid Lockdown”.

Valeriia SMAGLII, Odesa National Maritime University

PhD, Doctor of Science in Philology, Assistant Professor at Odesa National Maritime University, Ukraine. The field of her interests includes phonetics and phonology, concepts, intercultural communication, pragmatics. Recent publications: “Using Distance EdTech for Remote Foreign Language Teaching During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Ukraine”, “Psychological Difficulties during the Covid Lockdown: Video in Blended Digital Teaching Language, Literature, and Culture”.


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How to Cite

BABELYUK, O., KOLIASA, O., & SMAGLII, V. (2021). Language Means of Revealing Postmodern Ludic Absurd in English Literary Text. WISDOM, 20(4), 166–179.


