Legal Regime for Scientific Works in the Digital Age


  • Ani STEPANYAN the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) and at the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN).
  • Eranuhi MANUKYAN Yerevan State University
  • Lia TEVOSYAN The Eurasia International University
  • Marina ILYUSHINA All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Financial University under Government of Russian Federation



science, copyright, scientific works, digital technologies, legal regulation, digital economy, “blockchain” technology


The modern technological age dictates a fundamental reconstruction of almost all spheres of public life, where new problems and difficulties are added to the existing ones. Such volumes of information innovation imply a fundamental reconstruction of social life, as the latter has a significant impact on all spheres of human activity.

The article is devoted to topical issues of legal regulation of scientific works copyright protection in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia in the era of the development of digital technologies. At the current stage of the development of digital technologies, a unique environment has been formed, which implies over-concentration in the fields of economy, politics, propaganda, science, law.

Modern trends in the development of science and technology dictate the practice of applying new digital technologies, not only in various fields of activity but also in the field of copyright, where one of the key objects are works of science. The article presents some aspects of the legal regulation of the use of digital technologies in the field of copyright in order to create new mechanisms for the protection of scientific works.


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Author Biographies

Ani STEPANYAN, the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) and at the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN).

PhD in Law, Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Business Law at the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia). Her areas of interest include business and corporate law, artificial intelligence and intellectual property law, intangible assets, bankruptcy. Stepanyan is the author of 4 monographs and 30 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Perspectives for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Family Legal Relations: problems of theory and practice”, “Private Bankruptcy: Relevant Law Enforcement Issues”, “Insolvency (Bankruptcy) and Intangible Assets of Corporations: Problems of Theory and Practice”.

Eranuhi MANUKYAN, Yerevan State University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology - Chair of Social Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics at the Yerevan State University, Armenia. Her areas of Philosophy of postmodernism, philosophical anthropology, socio-cultural transformations, ethics, aesthetics, socio-cultural paradoxes, philosophy of history. Manukyan is the author of 1 monograph and 8 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Systemic Transformations, Socio-Cultural Paradoxes”, “Public Service Ethics, Methodical Guide”, “Anthropological Implications of Information Civilization”, “Terrorism in the Context of the Modern Socio-Cultural Crisis”, “Socio-Cultural Paradoxes as Consequences of Systemic Transformations”, “Emergency Crowd Management Perspectives. Crisis Management and Technologies”, “General Description of the Binary Archetype”.

Lia TEVOSYAN , The Eurasia International University

Lecturer of Law Department at The Eurasia International University, Armenia. Her areas of interest include constitutional law, intellectual property, copyrights, artificial intelligence, plagiarism, self-plagiarism. Tevosyan is the author of 4 scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Essence and Concept of Author Rights”, “Legal Regulation of Self-plagiarism in the RA”, “The Issues of Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in The Context of Copyright”, “Plagiarism as a Challenge: a Reminder for Academic Circles”.

Marina ILYUSHINA, All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Financial University under Government of Russian Federation

PhD, Dr. in Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law at the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) and Professor of Department of Economic Legal Regulation of Faculty of Law at the Financial University under Government of Russian Federation. Her areas of interest include Civil and Business Law, Commercial Law, Share Transactions and Notary Practice. Ilyushina is the author of 10 monographs and 266 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Topical Issues of Notarial Support of a Mediation Agreement”, “Recovery of Illegally Obtained Income: Experience of Russia and Foreign Countries”.


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How to Cite

STEPANYAN, A., MANUKYAN, E., TEVOSYAN , L., & ILYUSHINA, M. (2022). Legal Regime for Scientific Works in the Digital Age. WISDOM, 21(1), 117–122.




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