Multi-Valued Logics as an Advanced Basis for Artificial Intelligence (As an Example of Applied Philosophy)


  • Oleg GABRIELYAN V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
  • Elizaveta VITULYOVA Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications after Gumarbek Daukeyev (AUPET)
  • Ibragim SULEIMENOV V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Russia)



Artificial intelligence, multivalued logic, informational self-organization, Galois fields, law of the excluded middle, bureaucracy, transpersonal structures


It is shown that the creation of artificial intelligence systems, gradually approaching human intelligence, cannot be limited by binary logic and the classical interpretation of the category of truth. The nature of human thinking is variable, which requires the use of flexible algorithmic platforms that operate with multivalued logic. It is shown that the existing approaches to the interpretation of the essence of intelligence, going back to the Turing test, are not consistent. More adequate is a criterion built on the ability of the intellect to lie, including creative particulars. It is shown that using multi-valued logic is a promising tool for constructing the algorithmic basis of artificial intelligence. It is shown that the use of just such logic is of interest from the point of view of studying self-organization processes in a telecommunication environment, resulting in the appearance of “spontaneous intelligence”, too. An analogue of such intelligence, for example, is the phenomenon of bureaucracy. It is shown that the question of the essence of the intellect is a prerequisite for the further development of non-trivial logical systems since the functioning of the intellect cannot be reduced to the operations of classical formal logic.


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Author Biographies

Oleg GABRIELYAN, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy, Professor of the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; Dean of the Department of Philosophy (Republic of Crimea, RF). Areas of interest include social and political philosophy, cultural studies, history and philosophy of science. He is the co-author of 18 monographs and more than 150 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Algorithmic Basis of Battle Neural Networks and Crisis Phenomena In Modern Society”, “Objectified Formulation of a Search Query for an Intellectualized System of Monitoring Internet Memes”, “Artificial Intelligence: what is it?”, “Mythopoetics of the Culture: the Research Methodology Issue”.

Elizaveta VITULYOVA, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications after Gumarbek Daukeyev (AUPET)

PhD in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications (Kazakhstan). Her areas of interest include logic, theory of science, radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications, and critical thinking. Vitulyova is the co-author of 8 monographs and more than 75 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Distributed Memory of Neural Networks and the Problem of the Intelligence`S Essence”, “New Application of Non-Binary Galois fields Fourier Transform: Digital Analog of Convolution Theorem”, “Dialectical Understanding of Information in the Context of the Artificial Intelligence Problems”.

Ibragim SULEIMENOV, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Russia)

PhD in Physics, Dr. of Science in Chemistry, Professor of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Russia). His areas of interest include logic, theory of science, history of scientific philosophy, radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications, and critical thinking, general problems of evolution. I. Suleiemnov is the author of 24 monographs and 235 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Distributed memory of Neural Networks and the Problem of the Intelligence`S Essence”, “New application of Non-Binary Galois fields Fourier Transform: Digital Analog of Convolution Theorem”, “Dialectical Understanding of Information in the Context of the Artificial Intelligence Problems”.


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How to Cite

GABRIELYAN, O., VITULYOVA, E., & SULEIMENOV, I. (2022). Multi-Valued Logics as an Advanced Basis for Artificial Intelligence (As an Example of Applied Philosophy). WISDOM, 21(1), 170–181.




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