The Problem of State Understanding and Paradigm Bases of its Types


  • Aleksey ZYRIANOV South Ural State University



state understanding, paradigm, methodology, typology, nergistic concept


It is essential to develop an adequate specificity of the historical time reference point of scientific knowledge for the theory of the state, its strengthening by creating, introducing as a subject of study such a category as “state understanding”, designed to become a system-forming element of state studies, a place of application of forces associated with ontological, epistemological, methodological and typological research.

This category of state studies is identified, determined and justified as part of the analysis. Types of state understanding (theological-static, anthropocentric-mechanistic, positivistic-historical, systemological-alternativeist) are formulated and substantively disclosed as semantic models of state cognition, including theoretical construction, subject and method corresponding to individual types of scientific concepts characteristic of a particular stage of human civilization development. The basis of their evolutionary dynamics is established in the form of a paradigm shift of scientific rationality. The idea of a legal study of the state, its genesis, development, and essential functional characteristics are being actualized at present, post-non-classical stage of the development of science utilizing synergetic methodology, taking into account its subject adaptation. The foundations of a new derivative of the specifics of the modern systemological-alternativeist type, the synergetic concept of state understanding, are determined.


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Author Biography

Aleksey ZYRIANOV, South Ural State University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law, Labor Law, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

ZYRIANOV, A. (2022). The Problem of State Understanding and Paradigm Bases of its Types. WISDOM, 22(2), 253–266.




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