Business Philosophy: Modern Trends and Digital Solutions


  • Svetlana BAURINA, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanova, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Margatita PASHKOVSKAYA Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Elena NAZAROVA Moscow Financial Industrial University Synergy, Moscow, Russian Federation



business, philosophy, digitalization, idea, person, technology, education, business outlook, morality, digital ecosystem


This article focuses on the modern vision of business philosophy. The authors of the article correctly substantiated the significance and extreme need to use philosophical knowledge and thinking both during the initiation and implementation of entrepreneurial ideas and during the practical implementation of entrepreneurial activity and direct business. Modern realities give the businessman the opportunity for independent choice, and a professional approach in business conduct is essential. The philosophical thinking of the entrepreneur, according to the authors, is the way to efficient business. Mastering the philosophy of business and the practical use of its provisions will ensure sustainable long-term success in the entrepreneurial environment. The realities of pervasive digitalization can fill with new semantic content modern processes in business with the parallel natural development of morality and culture. The new digital ecosystem is designed to combine the brilliant potential of the machine with an unsurpassed human mind to introduce technological innovations in business structures at the most favourable level.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana BAURINA,, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanova, Moscow, Russian Federation

PhD, Associate Professor of Industry Economics, Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanova, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Margatita PASHKOVSKAYA, Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy, Moscow, Russian Federation

PhD, Professor, Department of Economic Theory and World Economics, Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Elena NAZAROVA, Moscow Financial Industrial University Synergy, Moscow, Russian Federation

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and World Economics, Moscow Financial Industrial University Synergy, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

BAURINA, S., PASHKOVSKAYA, M., & NAZAROVA, E. (2022). Business Philosophy: Modern Trends and Digital Solutions. WISDOM, 2(1), 15–20.