Advanced Vocational Training of Schoolchildren: Philosophical Aspects of Understanding


  • Gulnara KASHFRAZYEVA Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University



philosophical aspect, advanced training, technological education, vocational education, technology, school education


The study aims to determine the philosophical and methodological aspects of advanced vocational training for students at school. The article uses philosophical methods to identify the main approaches of modern philosophy to the problem of advanced vocational training. A set of empirical methods was applied: literature study, survey (oral and written). To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: considering approaches to the concept of advanced vocational training of schoolchildren; highlighting the main aspects of advanced vocational training of schoolchildren; studying the current condition of the arrangement of advanced vocational training of schoolchildren. The problem of this research lies in the issue of disclosing the structure of advanced vocational training. Four units were identified, by the development of which one can judge on the degree of orientation of the educational process in a school towards the vocational training of students. The results of a survey of schoolchildren revealed that the most developed unit of advanced vocational training is the formation of meta-subject competencies, taking into account the professional orientation of the student. Similarly, with meta-subject competencies, average indicators are observed in the assimilation of labour skills.


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Author Biography

Gulnara KASHFRAZYEVA, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University

Doctoral student, researcher of the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

KASHFRAZYEVA, G. (2022). Advanced Vocational Training of Schoolchildren: Philosophical Aspects of Understanding. WISDOM, 2(1), 74–87.