Digital Ecosystem as a Model of Efficient and Safe Interaction of Actors in Virtual Space


  • Viktoriya TINYAKOVA State University of Management, Moscow
  • Natalia MOROZOVA Russian University of Cooperation
  • Manya ZIROYAN National University of Oil and Gas (Gubkin University)
  • David ARAKELYAN Moscow Credit Bank



Innovation, innovation infrastructure, regional development, quality of life, innovation policy, business incubator, venture capital fund, region


In the article, the authors emphasize that the formation and development of the digital economy is an inevitable and objective process of society’s transition to a new technological order. To maintain their competitive state, business entities need to transform the existing business model by integrating smart technologies, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence into its basis. The emergence of new formal and informal institutions should regulate the rules of behaviour of economic agents in the digital economy. To this end, it is necessary to form and develop a legal framework that regulates the relationship between customers and owners of digital platforms. We believe that digital ecosystems will have a certain interest in the new society. Unlike traditional models of interaction between actors, digital ecosystems will create a single information field and a new form of constructive cooperation and coordination between participants in the virtual space. The state should become the initiator of creating this kind of digital ecosystem, which will make it possible to implement the mechanism of reasonable digital protectionism, the purpose of which will be to protect the interests of users and owners of digital platforms in cyberspace.


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Author Biographies

Viktoriya TINYAKOVA , State University of Management, Moscow

PhD in Economics, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Management, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Natalia MOROZOVA, Russian University of Cooperation

PhD in Economics, Professor, Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) Russian University of Cooperation, Volgograd, Russian Federation.

Manya ZIROYAN, National University of Oil and Gas (Gubkin University)

PhD in Economics, Professor of Department of Complex Systems Security Management, National University of Oil and Gas (Gubkin University), Moscow, Russian Federation.

David ARAKELYAN , Moscow Credit Bank

Independent Researcher, Chief Specialist of Moscow Credit Bank, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

TINYAKOVA , V., MOROZOVA, N., ZIROYAN, M., & ARAKELYAN , D. (2022). Digital Ecosystem as a Model of Efficient and Safe Interaction of Actors in Virtual Space. WISDOM, 2(1), 150–157.