Various Language-Philosophy Approaches to the Categorization of the Professional Oil Language in English and Russian


  • Olga MOROZOVA Kazan Federal University
  • Albina YAKHINA Kazan Federal University



professional language, oil business language, jargonism, quasi-jargonism, dejargonism, interjargonism


Out of relatively isolated current discourses served by particular and professional languages, the paper considers features of the uncodified unit components of the oil business language. The material of the study is the uncodified vocabulary and phraseology of Russian and American English, indicating persons, objects, and actions of the oil business: 317 and 360 units correspondingly. The study of the mentioned units’ structure -their core and periphery - is most effectively executed by applying component analysis. The aim is to consider different types of classification of professional oil non-codified units, analyze their semantic derivation, establish the nature of paradigmatic subsystem relations, and explain the mechanism of generating jargonisms and euphemisation. Communicative and pragmatic characteristics of a professional unit prescribe their adequate choice and restrictions on their use in certain areas and situations of communication. It is concluded that the national specificity and originality of thesaurus units’ semantics of professional oil sublanguage are the result of the linguistic factor itself.


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Author Biographies

Olga MOROZOVA, Kazan Federal University

PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Cross-Cultural Communication, Kazan Federal University, Elabuga, Russian Federation.

Albina YAKHINA, Kazan Federal University

PhD in Philology, senior lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Cross-Cultural Communication, Kazan Federal University, Elabuga, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

MOROZOVA, O., & YAKHINA, A. (2022). Various Language-Philosophy Approaches to the Categorization of the Professional Oil Language in English and Russian. WISDOM, 3(2), 178–192.