Fiction Text as a Means of Forming Learners’ Sociocultural Competence


  • Elen AVETISYAN Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia
  • Igor KARAPETYAN Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia



sociocultural realia, sociocultural marker, behavior model, sociocultural norm, cultural competen, intercultural competence, semantic-associative field, fiction text


Fiction texts are an effective means of systematic teaching language and culture. A fiction text, as the most effective means of developing intercultural competence, motivates, involves the reader in a kind of cognitive process, causes aesthetic pleasure, develops aesthetic taste, critical and creative thinking. Reading a fiction text enables learners to master the behavior patterns characteristic of a given ethno-cultural society, sociocultural markers, sociocultural norms, traditions, and rituals.

Fiction texts as an important means of forming sociocultural competence performs functions of motivating, involving the reader in a unique cognitive process, giving aesthetic pleasure, developing aesthetic taste, critical and creative thinking.

The reading of the literary-fiction text provides an opportunity to learn the models of behavior, cultural markers, cultural norms of communicative behavior, public and individual conventions, traditions and rituals characteristic of the given ethno-cultural community.


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How to Cite

AVETISYAN, E., & KARAPETYAN, I. (2023). Fiction Text as a Means of Forming Learners’ Sociocultural Competence. WISDOM, 25(1), 119–128.


