The Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Social-Pedagogical Activity in the General Education Schools of the Republic of Armenia


  • Hakob TADEVOSYAN Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia



social-pedagogical activity, comprehensive school, social pedagogue, quality, method


The article discusses the need for sociо-pedagogial activities in schools of Armenia and the existing problems in this area. The article substantiates the expediency of expanding the content of activities and duties of social pedagogues working in general education schools of the Republic of Armenia, as well as in regional pedagogical and psychological centers. In fact, they are included only in work with children with special educational needs. However, the main content of the work of a social pedagogue in a comprehensive school should be aimed at solving the problems of socialization of all schoolchildren.

In the article, we proposed indicators, standards, a formula combining qualitative and quantitative indicators, which ensure the measurability and objectivity of the assessment of the quality of socio-pedagogical activities.

The article presents the methods for evaluating the quality of social-pedagogical activity in the public schools of Armenia. We have created three standards and the ten criteria for evaluating the quality of social-pedagogical activity. The methodology for assessing the quality of socio-pedagogical activity presented in the article is universal, in the case of adapting standards and indicators, it can be applied in almost all areas of activity of the social pedagogue.


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How to Cite

TADEVOSYAN, H. (2023). The Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Social-Pedagogical Activity in the General Education Schools of the Republic of Armenia. WISDOM, 25(1), 156–167.


