Trinitary Approach as a Methodological Principle of Transcendental Psychology


  • Gor YESAYAN Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia
  • Ruben NAGHDYAN International Scientific Educational Centre, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia



philosophy of psychology, philosophy, transcendental psychology, metaphysica, trinitarity, methodology of psychology


At present, according to many psychologists, the methodology of psychology is in a state of crisis, the reasons for which are quite deep and go beyond psychology. It is becoming increasingly clear that psychology and the methodology of psychology, in particular, cannot do without turning to philosophy when tackling its issues, hoping that it is the philosophical analysis of the universal laws of nature that will allow the methodology of psychology to be built on a more fundamental basis.

This article is one of such attempts that shows the possibility of applying a trinitarian approach to solve some problems in psychology.

To demonstrate the universality of the manifestations of the principle of trinity in nature and cognition, the article, as far as its scopes allow to, provides examples of the manifestation of triads in philosophy, physics, mathematics, anatomy, physiology, and in the psychological concepts of B. Skinner, S. Freud, C. G. Jung, E. Bern and M. Erickson.

The possibility of using trinitarity as a methodological principle of psychology is shown in the example of the analysis of the mechanisms of the generative process of perception studied in transcendental psychology.


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How to Cite

YESAYAN, G., & NAGHDYAN, R. (2023). Trinitary Approach as a Methodological Principle of Transcendental Psychology. WISDOM, 25(1), 31–41.


