Technical University as an Innovative Factor of Culture




innovation, technical university, techno-humanitarian balance, cultural meaning, humanitarian environment, personality-centered education, spirituality


This study aims to consider the technical university as a factor for innovation in modern culture. The author’s task is to identify the phenomenological (sociocultural) and ontological (pedagogical, personal, organizational) foundations of a technical university as an innovative factor. The methodological basis of the study is made up of identifying value concepts, a pragmatic method, and a criterion of effectiveness. The technical university as an innovative factor is revealed through research: concentration of innovations in engineering and technical activities; the cultural meaning of innovation; the peculiarities of the formation and development of the humanitarian environment by the technical university and its spiritual and moral component. The criterion of effectiveness refers to the use of pedagogical models by a technical university and a spiritual and moral component. The study deepens the understanding of the innovative factors of culture that have developed in science and makes it possible in practice to improve the technical university in line with the innovative trends of our time.


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How to Cite

A. BEZKLUBAYA , S. (2023). Technical University as an Innovative Factor of Culture. WISDOM, 25(1), 54–66.


