Synergetic Philosophy of Human: A New Research Trend


  • Vladimir Bratsky
  • Kadzhk Ohanyan



sense of life, self-worth, essence of man, ideal, the value of human activities, value-based orientation, ideological self-hesitations, consumer self-hesitations, the role of fashion in the consumption of values, style of consumption of values, consumption of utilitarian values


The paper explores the ways of synergetic phi­losophy of history (SPhH) which open up a new perspective towards the human nature, as well as, to such a traditional and seemingly complex and hopelessly unsolved problem as the sense of indivi­dual existence of human being (“the sense of life”). The heuristic role of SphH in the foundation of a new philosophy of Human Being is motivated by the link between the self-organization of individual and the self-organization of Mankind.The specificity of synergetic philosophy of Hu­man (different from the traditional anthropological philosophy) stems right from the linkage men­tioned above.


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How to Cite

Bratsky, V., & Ohanyan, K. (2014). Synergetic Philosophy of Human: A New Research Trend. WISDOM, 3(2), 108–125.


