Three Philosophical Pillars of the 2022 Armenian Constitutional Revision: Empowerment of Public Discourse, Theory of Justice, and Environmental Ethics




transition from semi-presidential governance into parliamentary democracy, constitution making, constitutional change, empowerment of political discourse, political shared culture, recognition of social, economic, and cultural rights, theory of justice of John Rawls, environmental ethics


The first chapter of this article presents the consequences of the 2015 constitutional change and the specifics of their implementation before and after the 2018 Velvet Revolution. The second chapter makes substantive considerations on the constitutional reforms launched in 2022 through the prism of the rule of law and the improvement of public discourse. It addresses the procedural democracy developed by modern political philosophy and focuses on legal mechanisms in an attempt to improve the political discourse promoted by Jurgen Habermas. It also discusses the theory of Justice developed by John Rawls and provides reflections on Environmental Ethics stemming from the philosophy of responsibility of Hans Jonas.


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How to Cite

HAKOBYAN, D. (2023). Three Philosophical Pillars of the 2022 Armenian Constitutional Revision: Empowerment of Public Discourse, Theory of Justice, and Environmental Ethics. WISDOM, 28(4), 127–137.



Philosophy of Law