Sociological Analyses of Head’s Personality Integrality Model: Theory and Practice


  • Karina K. OGANYAN St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service, EMERCOM of Russia



the integral model of the leader's personality, the personality type, the type of organizational culture, the management style, leadership qualities, the family management type of the organization, the innovative and creative type of organization management, the person-oriented kind of organization management, the management decision-making, the “ideal” leader


We developed the integral manager’s personality theory, which is a three-component model of effective management. The model reveals the interdependence of management leader’s style, his personality type and the organisational culture type. Sociological research was conducted with the aim of empirical verification and justification of the integral manager’s personality theory.

The “ideal” leader should have such characteristics: to be active, innovate, to be able to unite the collective, and show flexibility in management, according to the results of university teachers’ survey in St. Petersburg. The innovator (creative-transforming and productive type) possesses these parameters, according to Yu. M. Reznik's classification. Most of the interviewed leaders believe that they involve workers in the decision-making process and make a decision together with the team. These characteristics are reflected in the democratic management style, according to R. Likert's classification.

The most desirable leader for undergraduate students is the leader of an innovator who is able to quickly navigate the situation and make decisions, according to the results of the second sociological survey. The most effective interdependence for undergraduate students of KemSU and SPbGEU is: a passionate leader personality type, manage in the team style and developing the clan culture in the organization.


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Author Biography

Karina K. OGANYAN, St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service, EMERCOM of Russia

Karina K. OGANYAN (PhD in Social Sciences) is Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of External Situation, St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service, EMERCOM of Russia. Her areas of scientific interest include theory and methodology of human soci-ology and psychology. K. Oganyan is the author of 8 monographs and more than 100 scientific articles. Recent publications: ―Multidisciplinary Researches of Personality in Sociology‖, ―Social Technologies of Forming Leaders: Characteristic Features of Future Leaders‖, ―History of Russian Sociology‖.


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How to Cite

OGANYAN, K. K. (2018). Sociological Analyses of Head’s Personality Integrality Model: Theory and Practice. WISDOM, 11(2), 110–120.


