Category of Sacredness in the Discourse of the English Sermon (Theolinguistic Approach)


  • Nina KRAVCHENKO Odessa I.I.Mechikov National University
  • Elena KARPENKO Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University



preaching discourse, theolinguistics, sermon, category of sacredness, sacral vocabulary


The present paper deals with the investigation of the category of sacredness of the English religious preaching discourse, considered from the standpoint of theolinguistics. It has been proved that being a secondary form of sacred texts the text of the sermon demonstrates frequent use of sacral vocabulary of different groups: narrow conceptual and terminological vocabulary, which has religious sense and meanings, borrowings from sacred texts (the so-called biblicalisms), and vocabulary of everyday communication, which in the context of preaching becomes religious, and is included in the semantic field of religion on this basis. Different perception of the nature and ways to realize the sermon in the Anglican and Neo-Protestant churches is manifested in the peculiarities of the attitude towards the sacrality of the Word. The process of desacralization of the sermon, recorded in the Neo-Protestant sermons, occurs due to the contrasting use of sacred vocabulary in a stylistically reduced context, on the one hand, and the use of profane vocabulary to nominate sacred phenomena, on the other.


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Author Biographies

Nina KRAVCHENKO, Odessa I.I.Mechikov National University

(Dr.) is the head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Phonetics of the English Language, the Faculty of the Romance-Germanic Philology of Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University, Odesa, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include experimental phonetics, pragmatics, discourse theory, theolinguistics. Kravchenko is the author of 1 single-handed and 4 collective monographs and 43  scientific articles. Recent publications: “Lingual Means of Imperative in the Lecture and Sermon Discourses”, “Divine Service  Ritual as  Semiotic Manifestation of Prayer Discourse Synergy”, “Preaching Discourse through the Prism of Comparative Theolinguistics”.

Elena KARPENKO , Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University

(Dr.) is the head of English Grammar Department at Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine.  Her areas of interest include psycholinguistics, the structure of the mental lexicon, cognitive onomastics, transformation of onyms in language mentality, problems of literary onomastics. Karpenko is the author and co-author of several monographs and 120 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Mental Organization of Cosmonyms”, “Structural Typology of English Biblionyms”, “Ergonymy: Associative Experiment”, “Evolution of the English Verb (“The Bible” case study).


is a lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages №1 at the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Odessa, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include cross-cultural communication, legal terminology and translation of legal texts, English trial and preaching discourse study, methods of teaching English language. Matiienko-Silnytska is an author of 11 scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Role of the Temporal Component of Intonation in the Implementation of the Function of Persuasion (based on the material of English preaching and trial discourse)”, “Intonation Peculiarities of English Judicial Discourse”, “The Role of the Dynamic Component of Intonation in the Realization of Persuasivity in Preaching and Judicial discourses” and “The Role of the Melodic Component of Intonation in the Implementation of the Function of Persuasion (based on the material of English preaching and trial discourse)”.


(PhD) is an associate professor of English Grammar Department of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include: general linguistics, onomastics, ideonymics, practical English grammar. Vasylieva is the author of 19 scientific articles, co-author of a monograph and a textbook “Treating law: English for future lawyers”.

Recent publications: “Denotative-nominative typology of English ideonyms”, “Classification of imageonyms in English”.


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How to Cite

KRAVCHENKO, N., KARPENKO , E., MATIIENKO-SILNYTSKA, A. ., & VASYLIEVA, O. (2021). Category of Sacredness in the Discourse of the English Sermon (Theolinguistic Approach). WISDOM, 18(2), 18–26.


