Project of Libertarianism in the Conceptual Interpretation of Postmodernity: Microcosm vs Macrocosm and the “Inbetween Man”




hermeneutics, conceptual ambivalence, osmological postmodernism, individuation, liberty, reconceptualization


The ambivalence of meanings in the postmodern theories accentuates the hermeneutic interpretation of concepts: the new “cosmic meanings” have changed the world picture in quite a revolutionary way. Though the views on postmodernism are contradictory, of principle importance is the idea that there are some valid “inventions”, which have given meaning to this term; in politics, it is the rise of neoliberalism and libertarianism. Thus, the paper aims to research the interrelation of the “inner” logic of the “free indi- vidual”, his/her micro-and macrocosm in libertarianism with the external political transformations and ideological discourses of postmodernity. The research results show that science and arts allow focusing on the interpretation of the consequences of those phenomena, which are going on at the level of the “political unconscious”. The theorists insist on rethinking the categories of libertarianism: the included concepts are challenging to combine in the principle of the domination of liberty. The focus on libertarianism stipulates the novelty of the research as the postmodern feature, which provides validity to the term “late postmod- ernism”. The new cosmology of the third millennium gives the possibility to use the term “cosmological postmodernism”.


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Author Biographies

Tetiana VLASOVA, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy) is Professor of Philosophy and Associate Professor of English Philology at the National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan of Dnipro (Ukraine). As the Head of Philology and Translation Department, she teaches hermeneutics, mass culture discourses, postmodern literary criticism, and women studies. She is the author/co-author of 10 monographs published in Ukraine, her papers (more than 100 articles) have appeared in a number of journals both in Ukraine and Western Europe. She is currently working on the material of the postmodern production of the conflict systems, mass culture and temporality.

Oleksandr PSHINKO, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

(PhD, Dr. of Technical Sciences) is Professor, Rector of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine. O. Pshinko, an Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, is the author of 10 monographs and more than 300 scientific articles. His research interests include the problematic fields of the international transport corridors under the conditions of global economic transformations, the economics of railway transportation and the characteristics of the economic, political and social phenomena in the changing post-postmodern processes of globalization in the 21st century.

Serhiі BONDARCHUK, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

(PhD in Historical Sciences) is Assistant to Rector of the Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan (Ukraine); his primary scientific interests are connected with the History of Science and Engineering. His current project is the judicial provision of the education spheres in the reinterpretation of science, knowledge, and education under late capitalism and globalization conditions. S. Bondarchuk is the author of more than 20 scientific papers.

Roman VEPRYTSKYI, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

(PhD, Dr. of Juridical Sciences) is the Advisor to the Rector of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan (Ukraine); is the author of 3 monographs and 43 scientific papers. His articles on juridical and economic issues have appeared in several journals both in Ukraine and abroad. He is currently writing a monograph on the problems of the government institutional policies, postmodern tendencies of neoliberalism included.


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How to Cite

VLASOVA, T., PSHINKO, O., BONDARCHUK, S., & VEPRYTSKYI, R. (2021). Project of Libertarianism in the Conceptual Interpretation of Postmodernity: Microcosm vs Macrocosm and the “Inbetween Man”. WISDOM, 19(3), 194–202.


