Vol. 19 No. 3 (2021): 3-2021

					View Vol. 19 No. 3 (2021): 3-2021

The articles included in the 3(19), 2021 issue of the journal are presented in the rubrics “Gnosiology, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Language”, “Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Education”, “Philosophy of Law”, “Philosophy of Art, Culture and Ethics”, and co­ver current issues of the corresponding fields.

The Editorial Team of the journal is happy to note that the geography of the authors who have contributed and the readership has been broadened. The authors represent Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, and Greece.

The last section of the present issue is “In Me­moriam” that includes an article of Professor Eme­rita at the University of Ioannina (Greece) Georgia Apostolopoulou referring to the Co-Pre­sident of the International Academy for Philosophy, Foreign Member of Armenian Philosophical Academy, Honorary Rector of the University of Athens, Member of the Editorial Board of WISDOM and a great friend of the Armenian people late Academician Evangelos Moutsopoulos.

Published: 2021-09-25
