Philosophical and Psychological Approach to Self-Development of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers




philosophy, psychological approach, self-development, pedagogy, pedagogical workers


The study?s main purpose is to highlight the philosophical and psychological aspects of the self- development of scientific and pedagogical workers in the context of the development of the education sys- tem. The article uses various methods to conduct research, namely general scientific methods: formal- logical, systemic, structural-functional, concrete-historical. The pedagogical synergetics is considered as part of the research. Pedagogical synergetics, which explains the development of a complex system, edu- cation, is a new philosophy of the educational process. Pedagogical synergetics makes it possible to ap- proach the development of problems of the development of pedagogical systems and the pedagogical pro- cess in a new way, considering them primarily from the standpoint of openness, co-creation and orienta- tion towards self-development. As a result, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical approaches to self-improvement are characterized.


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Author Biographies

Svitlana KRYSHTANOVYCH, State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky

PhD, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, the State University of Physical Culture, named after Ivan Bobersky, Lviv, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include philosophy, philosophy of gender parity, European values, gender situation, public administration, psychological approach, self-development, pedagogy, pedagogical workers. Svitlana Kryshtanovych is the author of 240 scientific articles.

Nataliia CHUBINSKA, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include philosophy, psychological approach, self-development, pedagogy, pedagogical workers. Nataliia Chubinska is the author of 86 scientific articles.

Iryna GAVRYSH, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD, Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor at the Department of Primary and Professional Education, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include philosophy, psychological approach, self-development, pedagogy, pedagogical workers. Iryna Gavrysh is the author of 55 scientific articles.

Oleksandra KHLTOBINA, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Technology of Pre-school Education and Art Disciplines, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include philosophy, psychological approach, self-development, pedagogy, pedagogical workers. Oleksandra Kholtobina is the author of 42 scientific articles.

Zhanna SHEVCHENKO, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include philosophy, psychological approach, self-development, pedagogy, pedagogical workers. Zhanna Shevchenko is the author of 25 scientific articles.


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How to Cite

KRYSHTANOVYCH, S., CHUBINSKA, N., GAVRYSH, I., KHLTOBINA, O., & SHEVCHENKO, Z. (2021). Philosophical and Psychological Approach to Self-Development of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers. WISDOM, 20(4), 139–147.




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