Social and Pedagogical Factors of Management in the Educational Space




power, subjectivity, activity, society, education, management, pedagogy, philosophy of education, socialization


The article examines the socio-pedagogical factors of management in the educational space as a need or phenomenon and social necessity. Emphasis is placed on the natural, a priori endowment of the desire to control the power of all living organisms to the consideration of management as a kind of response of an organism or individual to the requirements of social structure. It was found that the principle, in this case, is the provision that the process has a psychological and social nature, i.e. is carried out in society in a managerial manner and according to certain government standards. Whatever individual, social, political, or psychological forms they acquire in a historically specific type of education, culture or subculture, in the end, society itself determines its essence and direction, priorities and values, purpose and method of organization. The aim of the article is a philosophical and logical-methodological analysis of management as a specific educational and social phenomenon and an important social institution and as a natural need of the initial mental impulses of the individual psyche, not in a political but in a behavioral sense.


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How to Cite

HONCHAR, L., PLISKO, Y., YEFIMOV, D., KRUTOGORSKIY, Y., MALAKHOVA, A., IVANCHUK, V., & Stopkina, A. (2022). Social and Pedagogical Factors of Management in the Educational Space. WISDOM, 4(3), 48–56.