Term-Forming Capabilities of the Ukrainian Equivalents of Original Computer Verb Terms


  • Oksana KUSHLYK Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
  • Liudmyla SMIENOVA Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport




verb term, computer terminology, donor language, recipient language, translation, translation equivalent, semantic derivation, terminologization, trans-terminologization


The article outlines the term-forming potential of the Ukrainian (translated) equivalents of computer verb terms. It is noted that taking into account verb-centricity as a defining feature of the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language, verb terms are essential elements of terminology in a particular field, including computer language. They play a significant role in shaping the thought, in achieving the accuracy and univocality of the information it carries. The proposed study aims to determine the potential of translated original computer verb terms of the equivalent type in terms of their terminological capabilities in the Ukrainian language. It was ascertained that the creation of the Ukrainian verb term begins with translating the original English verb term. The type of translation (equivalent / non-equivalent), in its turn, determines the way of creation (for the equivalent type) and the way of translation (for the non-equivalent type) of a Ukrainian verb term. Translated verbs (or verbs of the equivalent type) serve as a source for forming terms via semantic derivation with its main mechanisms – terminologization and trans-terminologization. This is conditioned by the part of speech category of the studied terms, the particular importance of verb semantics in the Ukrainian language.


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Author Biographies

Oksana KUSHLYK, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

Dr. of Science in Philology, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Now is currently working on the problem of deryvatology (the stem-centred approach) and syntax (the academic syntax and the functional syntax) of the Modern Ukrainian Language.

Liudmyla SMIENOVA, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

PhD in Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. She works on the problems of word formation and lexical processes in the terminological vocabulary of the modern Ukrainian language, in particular, researches into verb terms in the field of computer technology.


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How to Cite

KUSHLYK, O., & SMIENOVA, L. (2022). Term-Forming Capabilities of the Ukrainian Equivalents of Original Computer Verb Terms. WISDOM, 21(1), 154–168. https://doi.org/10.24231/wisdom.v21i1.620


