Synergetic Concepts “Chaos” and “Order” in Modern English Verbo-Creating Processes
synergetics, verbal creation, word-formation, open system, non-linearity, dissipation, unequilibriumness, order, chaos, fluctuations, attractorAbstract
The article deals with the problem of relevancy of the central notions and principles of synergetics for studying word-formation processes in Modern English. It is proved that the complex, open, nonequilibrium, nonlinear language super-system in general and word-formation macro-system, in particular, develop due to the contradiction of the chaos processes and its stability. The trans-level nature of structural relationships of the English word-formation macro-system with other levels of the language super-system (especially lexical one) determines the dynamism of verbo-creative processes, mobility of its constituents, poly-functionality and “poly-combinability” of word-forming tools and mechanisms. Periodic modification of verbo-creation mechanisms, creation of new combinations of word-formation methods, enrichment of the stock of word-formation tools by functional transposition of intra-level and extra-level language units and current dissipation of functionally passive word-forming morphemes manifest chaotic processes in different parts of the modern English word-formation system which simultaneously is aimed to maintain its structural organisation.
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