The Principle of Deliberation as a Key Basis of Statehood in Modern Russia


  • Marina BARANOVA National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University N. I. Lobachevsky
  • Olga KUPTSOVA National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky
  • Zurab KALANDARISHVILI Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences



Russian statehood, deliberative democracy, deliberation principle, self-regulation


The development of statehood is predetermined by a great variety of factors. In modern society, citizens are developing an increasing willingness to fully participate in political and legal processes jointly with the state. Today the ideas of deliberative democracy attract the close attention of legal theorists in this aspect. The subject of the research is the key aspects of the philosophical and legal treatment of social relations in the sphere of realisation of the principle of deliberation in modern Russia. The purpose of this study is a multilevel analysis (general legal, philosophical, technical/legal) of the principle of deliberation, with substantiation of its significance as a key foundation of statehood in modern Russia. The research results confirm the initial hypothesis and evidence that the goal of the study has been achieved. The correlation of state and public interests in terms of deliberative interaction is of fundamental importance for the development of Russian statehood.


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Author Biographies

Marina BARANOVA, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University N. I. Lobachevsky

PhD in Cultural Study, Doctor of Science in Law, Professor at the Department of Labor and Environmental Law, of the Law Faculty, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University N. I. Lobachevsky. Sphere of interests: legal technique, advertising legislation, legal culture, legal definitions. Marina Baranova is the author of 10 monographs and 200 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Cancel Culture as an Innovative Legal-Cultural Phenomenon”, “Legal-Cultural and Ideological Foundations of the Correlation of Imperious and Non-Imperious Principles in the Legal Technique of Modern Russia”.

Olga KUPTSOVA, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky

PhD in Law, Associate Professor at the Department of Labor and Environmental Law, of the Law Faculty, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky. Sphere of interests: the language of the law, legal topics, reflexes of law. Olga Kuptsova is the author of 4 monographs and 91 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Topical Bases of Latin Legal Terminology in Texts of Forms of Law: Traditions and Innovations”, “Legality in the Aspect of Communicative Rationality”.

Zurab KALANDARISHVILI, Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences

PhD in Law and Pedagogies, Associate Professor and the Head of Legal theory and Law Enforcement Activities Department of Law faculty at Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences. Sphere of interests: legal culture, legal consciousness, legal socialization. Zurab Kalandarishvili is the author of 10 monographs and 146 scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Notion and Meaning of Legal Culture in the Concept of a Culturological Method”, “On the Issue of Contemporary Integral (Synthetic) Types of Legal Thoughts in Legal Studies”.


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How to Cite

BARANOVA, M., KUPTSOVA, O., & KALANDARISHVILI, Z. (2021). The Principle of Deliberation as a Key Basis of Statehood in Modern Russia. WISDOM, 1(1), 30–39.