Philosophical and Legal Foundations of the Comprehensive Theory of Law


  • Sergey ZAKHARTSEV Russian State Social University
  • Viktor SALNIKOV Russian Academy of Natural Sciences



philosophy of law, theory of state and law, law, comprehensive theory, essence of law


The article is devoted to the clarification of the essence of the law. The article examines the ontology of law, and the epistemology of law reflects the philosophical problems of law. The conclusion about the law as a contradictory social phenomenon is formulated. The article substantiates the theory of the comprehensive (all-encompassing) study of law as a philosophical and philosophical-legal theory, the purpose of which is characterized not in the justification of any one theory of law but in the comprehensive study of law, taking into account all available theories. The comprehensive theory allows us to look at the law philosophically, stating the different properties of the object, their manifestations and contradictions. The article argues that it is the philosophical attitude to the law that many scientists lack.


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Author Biographies

Sergey ZAKHARTSEV , Russian State Social University

PhD, Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of the Department of Advocacy and Law Enforcement of the Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia). His field of interests includes philosophy and philosophy of law, general theory of law. Zakhartsev is the author of 24 monographs and more than 400 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Law: New Ideas and Readings”, “Philosophy of Law and Legal Science”, “Philosophy and Legal Science”.

Viktor SALNIKOV, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

PhD, Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia). His interests include philosophy and philosophy of law, general theory of law, criminology. V. P. Salnikov is the author of more than 1,000 scientific and educational works, including more than 50 monographs. Recent publications: “The Philosophy of Law and Legal Science”, “Philosophy and Legal Science”, “The Idea of Freedom. Right. Morality”, “Law and Justice: Historical Traditions and Modern Models”.


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How to Cite

ZAKHARTSEV , S., & SALNIKOV, V. (2021). Philosophical and Legal Foundations of the Comprehensive Theory of Law. WISDOM, 1(1), 223–231.