Ideological Intersections of Personality’s Analysis In Armenian and Russian Social-Philosophical Thought


  • Karina Ohanyan Saint Petersburg State University of Economics



personality, cognitive personality's abilities, social-pedagogical aspects of personality, personality's theory, the essence of practical and theoretical philosophy, theoretical and practical aspect in the personality's structure, human emotional world, ethic aspect of personality morality in personality formation, Armenian philosophers and Russian sociologists


This article presents ideological intersections of personality’s analysis in the Armenian and Russian social-philosophical thought. In particular, between Russian sociologists of the end of XIX and the beginning of XX centuries (A.I.Stronin, N.I.Kareev) and the Armenian philosophers of IV - VIII centuries (?esrop ?ashtots, David ?nhakht).
 First are discussed ?esrop Mashtots’ ideas about developing personality’s cognitive abilities and social-pedagogical aspects of personality in A.I.Stronin’s manuscript. The Russian and Armenian thinkers are united by aspiration to show education significance for personality’s development. The second issue is the essence of practical and theoretical philosophy according to David ?nhakht and theoretical and practical aspect of personality’s analysis according to A.I.Stronin’s conception. In total, the approaches of David ?nhakht and A.I.Stronin agree in the opinion that the practical and theoretical aspects of personality’s analysis are complementary to each other, by submitting a personality as harmoniously developed social creature. Thirdly, this paper deals with the David ?nhakht’s conception of human emotional world, ethic aspect of personality’s analysis in the A.I.Stronin’s manuscript and morality in personality’s formation according to N.I.Kareev. The central idea that unites David ?nhakht, A.I.Stronin and N.I.Kareev is the following: the main factor in personality’s development is perfection by means of intellect and height of morality.


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Author Biography

Karina Ohanyan, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Sociology and Social Work of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics


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How to Cite

Ohanyan, K. (2016). Ideological Intersections of Personality’s Analysis In Armenian and Russian Social-Philosophical Thought. WISDOM, 6(1), 87–93.


