Genesis and Historical Sense of the Motto “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”


  • Aleksandra DORSKAIA Northwestern Branch of the Russian State University of Justice
  • Andrei DORSKII St. Petersburg State University



liberté, égalité, fraternité, Enlightenment, Masonry


The study is devoted to the formation of the motto of the French Revolution – Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. The hypotheses as to its emergence are considered, notably the invention of the triad by J.Locke, F.Fénelon, French enlighteners and Masons. Based on the analysis of the texts pertaining to the alleged authors of the motto, it is concluded that its spread was taking place only during the Revolution. The meaning of liberty, equality and fraternity is seen as an expression of the fundamental values of the Modern Age; the interdependence of these concepts is demonstrated.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandra DORSKAIA, Northwestern Branch of the Russian State University of Justice

PhD, Doctor of Science in Law, Professor, the Head of the Department of General Theoretical Legal Disciplines of Northwestern Branch of the Russian State University of Justice. Her areas of interest include the history of international law, legal regulation of state and confessional relations, freedom of conscience, legal traditions, legal reforms. Recent publications: Change of techno­lo­gical paradigms and legal development of Russia; Effectiveness of legal regulation as a theoretical and legal and historical and legal category; Legal factor in the dynamics of social trauma: Russian experience; Historical memory as an object of international legal and national regulation.

Andrei DORSKII, St. Petersburg State University

PhD, Doctor of Science in Philosophy, the Head of the Department Management in Mass Communications of St. Petersburg State University. Her areas of interest include the law of communications, ethics of PR & advertising, aesthetics of power. Recent publications: “Co-Regulation as a Way to Improve the Effectiveness of Legal Regulation in Sports”, “Wars of memory” in the Inter­na­tio­nal Communication Space: Legal Aspects”; “Modern Russian Legislation and Regulation in Advertising and Advertising Trends”; “Trying to Keep Bloggers Under Control: The Birth and Death of the “Bloggers Law” in Russia (2014–2017)”.


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How to Cite

DORSKAIA, A., & DORSKII, A. (2021). Genesis and Historical Sense of the Motto “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”. WISDOM, 1(1), 61–73.