Globalization and Antiglobalization Tendencies in Modern South German Dialects


  • Iryna KULYNA Odesa I. I. Mechnikov
  • Iuliia BEREZINA Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov



South German dialects, modern German, Bavarian, Swabian-Alemanian, diachronics, synchronics


The article deals with the study of southern German dialects and their genetic connections with modern German. The article focuses on the analysis of linguistic features of southern German dialects: phonetic, lexical, grammatical and their comparison with Standardsprache. By the example of the development of southern German dialects and their interaction with Standardsprache, it is concluded that the German language, based on the laws of linguosynergy, is a complex open information system that is constantly evolving while saving data on its past states. The totality of knowledge of the past and present makes it possible to identify the prospects for the future development of the system. The results of the research give reasons to predict further changes in the modern German language at all its levels – phonetic, linguistic, grammatical – taking into account various dialectological features that are introduced into the German language system. The received knowledge is of particular importance for studying and teaching the history of the German language, introduction to German philology, dialectology, as well as practical course of the German language.


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Author Biographies

Iryna KULYNA , Odesa I. I. Mechnikov

(PhD in Philology) is Associate Professor, Head of the Department of German Philology, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov (Ukraine). Her areas of interest include the history of German, development of German dialects, historical phonetics, intercultural linguistics. Kulyna is the author of more than 15 practical works and 50 scientific articles. Recent publications: “Historical Way of Stress from Indo-European to Modern German”, “Linguistic Connection of Ancient German Southern Dialects with Modern Ones”, “Nature of Emphasis and Its Formation in the Historical Space of the German Language”.

Iuliia BEREZINA, Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov

(PhD in Philology) is Associate Professor of the Department of the Foreign Languages and Humanitarian Faculties, Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov, Ukraine. Her areas of interest include the history of German, development of German dialects, intercultural linguistics. Berezina is the author of 2 practical works and 25 scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Role of Martin Luther Translations in Modern German”, “Historical Way of Stress from Indo-European to Modern German”, “Linguistic Con­nection of Ancient German Southern Dialects with Modern Ones”, “Nature of Emphasis and Its Formation in the Historical Space of the German Language”.


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How to Cite

KULYNA , I., & BEREZINA, I. (2020). Globalization and Antiglobalization Tendencies in Modern South German Dialects. WISDOM, 16(3), 53–65.


