Game as a Phenomenon in Kyrgyz Family Traditions




game, tradition, culture, nomadism, globalization, rhizome, space


The relevance of the philosophical understanding of the concept of “game” is caused by the great interest in this phenomenon from the humanities and mathematical sciences (game theory). The subject of research is the socio-philosophical aspects of the game in the Kyrgyz family traditions. The purpose of the study is to conduct a historical and philosophical analysis of the game component within the framework of the specifics of the Kyrgyz ethnos. In the course of our research, we identified such properties of a game as non-utilitarianism, irrationality, the presence of rules, aesthetics, and the predominance of the child over the adult. We conclude that the nomadic and rhizomatic structure of Kyrgyz society played a decisive role in the sustainability of the transmission of family traditions through the game component. The author analyzed the main historical periods of the Kyrgyz ethnos and found that the game is a part of the daily activities of the Kyrgyz at all stages of the historical process and the life of individuals. The following methods were used conceptual analysis, synchronic and diachronic method, comparative-historical approach, network methodology with elements of the post-structuralist topological approach.


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Author Biography

Cholpon SAADANBEKOVA, Kyrgyz National University

(PhD in Philology) is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Theory and Cultural History, FSGN (Social and Humanities faculty) named after Jusup Balasagyn KNU (Kyrgyz National University), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Her areas of interest include gender, feminism, national philosophy, family, postmodernism. Saadanbekova is the author of monographs and two teaching manuals, 30 scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Gender Balans of Kyrgyz Society”, “Kanikey as an Ideal of Kyrgyz Women”, “The Family and the Social Order in Epic Manas”, “The Lullabies Songs of Central Asia for Example Kyrgyz People”.


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How to Cite

SAADANBEKOVA, C. (2021). Game as a Phenomenon in Kyrgyz Family Traditions. WISDOM, 18(2), 85–95.


